Healthcare Resources
Medical Care Resources
Montgomery Cares Clinics
The Montgomery Cares clinics are geographically located throughout Montgomery County to provide access for residents. Visit Online for Resources
African American Health Initiative
​Strives to eliminate health disparities and improve the number and quality of years of life for African Americans and people of African descent in Montgomery County, MD. Visit Online for Resources
Muslim Community Center Medical Clinic
Provides compassionate and high-quality medical care to uninsured, indigent adult residents of our community regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, gender, or national origin. Visit Online for Resources
ICM Cares Clinic - Offering primary care services for those ages 14+. Services include general wellness, diabetes care, women's health, & managing chronic illness. View Online for Resources
Asian American Health Initiative (MCDHHS) Senior Wellness Initiative
The Asian American Health Initiative (AAHI), a part of the Montgomery County Department of Health
and Human Services, aims to improve the health and wellness of Asian American communities in
Montgomery County by applying equity, community engagement, and data-driven approaches. AAHI’s
Senior Wellness Initiative responds to the health and wellness needs of Asian American seniors by
offering community programming, health education and wellness workshops, multilingual resources,
and service referrals. Visit Online for Resources
Holy Cross Health Centers
Holy Cross Health Center serves community members who are uninsured or Maryland Medicaid patients enrolled in the HealthChoice program through Maryland Physicians Care. ​​​
Holy Cross Health Center - Aspen Hill - Visit Online for Resources
Holy Cross Health Center - Gaithersburg - Visit Online for Resources
Holy Cross Health Center - Silver Spring - Visit Online for Resources
Holy Cross Health Partners
Board-certified practitioners in internal medicine, family medicine, and geriatric medicine provide a complete range of primary care services for adults and children.
Holy Cross Health Partners - Kensington - Visit Online for Resources
Holy Cross Health Partners - Asbury Methodist Village - Visit Online for Resources
Holy Cross Health Partners - Progressive Medical Care - Visit Online for Resources
Mental Health
Montgomery County Adult Behavioral Health Program
The Adult Mental Health Program is an outpatient mental health program which provides services, including individual and group psychotherapy, office based case management, and psychiatric medication monitoring to low-income residents of Montgomery County who are experiencing mental illness. Call: 240-777-1770 or Visit Online for Resources
Mental Health Services for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities
To access support from mental health services in Montgomery County Call: 240-777-3990
The Imago Center of Washington DC
The Imago Center of Washington DC offers online therapeutic services as well as in face-to-face sessions. Call: 202-670-5065 or Visit Online for Resources
Specific medical conditions
Latino Health Initiative Asthma Program
LHI’s Asthma Management Program provides free workshops for Parents and Caregivers in Spanish to help families with young children manage their children’s asthma-related symptoms. Call: 240-777-3384 or Visit Online for Resources
African American Health Program: Diabetes Resources - View Online for Resources
Holy Cross Health's Diabetes Prevention and Education Programs ​
HCH provides multidisciplinary instruction in diabetes management and instruction. Visit Online for Resources
Montgomery County Dental Programs
Apply for services through OESS offices with the application for Montgomery County Safety-Net Programs. Visit Online for Resources
MCC Clinics Dental Services - Visit Online for Resources
​Other dental programs - Dental Resource List from the Immigration Resource Center. Visit Online for Resources
African American Health Program: Cancer Resources - View Online for Resources
International Early Lung Cancer Action Program (I-ELCAP)
Screening for smokers/ex-smokers. Visit Online for Resources
COVID - 19 Vaccine and Treatment
Vaccine Information
MCC Medical Clinic - Visit Online for Resources​
Latino Health Initiative - Visit Online for Resources
African American Health Program - Visit Online for Resources
Montgomery County ​COVID - 19 Resources
Latest news, vaccine information, face covering guidance, food assistance resources and more in regard to COVID- 19. Learn more about CDC COVID-19 Community Levels and actions to take. Visit Online for Resources
Memory Loss & Dementia​
Alzheimer's Association Resources
Leads the way to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia — by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support. Visit Online for Resources​​
Holy Cross Medical Adult Day Center
The center provides senior health services by a full-time RN—a geriatric nurse with special expertise in caring for seniors with a variety of health problems including Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Visit Online for Resources
Vision and Hearing
MCC Clinic - Visit Online for Resources ​
Durable medical (ie. wheelchair or walker)
St Andrew Apostle Catholic Church